Category Archives: RC4500

RC4500-7200 Antenna Controller and ODU

The RC4500-7200 Antenna Controller is a direct replacement for the Vertex/GD 7200 ACU. The RC4500-7200 can interface directly to a 7150 outdoor box, or can be used with an RCI designed outdoor unit. RC4500-7200 cutsheet.pdf

Research Concepts, Inc. Limit Switched Resolver (LSR)

The picture below shows the RCI limit switched size 11 resolver employed by the RC4500 Earth station Satellite Antenna Controllers. The RCI LSR (FP-SA_LSR-A) is a direct replacement for existing ViaSat LSR p/n 455579.

RC4500 MIB

Management Information Base for RC4500 Antenna Controllers RC4500-Rev2.MIB RC4500-Rev3.MIB

Appendix BCN

This appendix describes the additional capability provided by the integrated Beacon Receiver option.RC4500_app_BCN.pdf

Appendix TLE

This appendix describes the additional capability provided by the Two-Line Element Tracking option. RC4500_app_TLE.pdf

Appendix REM

This appendix describes the remote commands available to monitor and control the RC4500 antenna controllers with software version 2.xx. RC4500_app_REM_v2.00.pdf

Appendix TRK

This appendix describes the additional capability provided by the Inclined Orbit Tracking option. RC4500_app_TRK.pdf

Appendix SA

This appendix describes the additional capability provided by the integrated SBS or SBS-2 Spectrum Analyzer option. RC4500_app_SA.pdf

Appendix IP

This appendix describes the additional functions provided by the RC4500’s Integrated IP option. RC4500_app_IP.pdf

UDP Test Program

Sample program for developing IP/UDP based Monitor and Control systems.UDP Test