Monthly Archives: January 2014

AIU3 Cutsheet

AIU3 Dual-speed interface box. AIU3 Cutsheet

Actuator Cable

The perfect cable for connecting an RC1500 or RC2000 Satellite Antenna Controller to a single low voltage, DC linear actuator with pulse type position encoders. Actuator Cable CBL-2_16-3_18

RC4500 Cutsheet

This is a double paged ‘slick’ that outlines the RC4500. RC4500 Cutsheet

Rotating Feed Drive Cutsheet

Motorized feed control option for the RC1500 and RC2000 Satellite Antenna Controllers. Rotating Feed Drive Cutsheet

RC2000C AZ/EL Manual

This file contains the installation, configuration, operating instructions, error conditions, basic troubleshooting and additional documentation for the RC2000C Az/El tracking antenna controller. RC2000C AZ/EL Manual.pdf

90VDC or 180VDC motors used with the RC1500 or RC2000

Describes a method for interfacing the RC1500 and RC2000 antenna controllers to antennas which are powered by 90 Volt or 180 Volt DC motors. Large Motor Antennas used with the RC1500 or RC2000

RCI Web Server Manual

Contains the installation, configuration and operating instructions for the RCI Web Server. RCI Web Server Manual

Rotating Feed Drive

The rotating feed drive option allows for control of feeds that employ a 24VDC motor and potentiometer feedback. This option can be added to both the RC1500 and RC2000 product lines. Rotating Feed Drive Cutsheet Rotating Feed Drive Installation Instructions

Embedded RC2000 Cutsheet

Embedded RC2000 Dual-Axis Satellite Antenna Controller. Embedded RC2000 Cutsheet

RC2000X Cutsheet

RC2000X Dual-Axis Inclined Orbit Satellite Antenna Controller. RC2000X Cutsheet